EDS1000 PCB removal

  • Hi all,

    I have this gorgeous 701b (really mint :) ) to repair.

    It works, with a new steuerpimpel from Alfred (currently produced) but I would like to replace the motor’s old electrolytics anyway.

    How do you have access to the track side of the PCB?

    Can you lift the PCB safely?

    I can’t see that clearly on any of the photos published here, unfortunately.

    Cheers !


  • You need to loosen the two screws that are in the lid and remove the transparent lid. Then you have to carefully remove the clamping bracket of the voltage transformer. Now comes the most risky part. You have to loosen the screws of the 5 germanium transistors. Here, the transistors must not be moved as much as possible, because the strands break very quickly. If this happens almost nothing can be done without further knowledge and oscilloscope. The transistors should not be bent up in any way.

    I have therefore levered out the cooling plate that you now have to remove to get further to the circuit board under the transistors. This part is tricky.

    When this is done, you have to either raise the PCB or unsolder all cables and remove the PCB completely for further work. I put it up at the time. This just about works because of the very short cables.

    Good luck!


    Gruß Matthias

  • Much appreciated, thanks!

    Edit: what you call voltage transformer is the BD138 that drops the voltage, at the edge of the PCB. I get it now, the clamp!

    Do the brass spacers just unscrew?

    By the way, should anything go wrong, I have an oscilloscope and the French EDS1000 service manual. I’ve worked with electronics for 40 years too!

    6 Mal editiert, zuletzt von chartz (16. September 2023 um 10:20)

  • Much appreciated, thanks!

    Do the brass spacers just unscrew?

    By the way, should anything go wrong, I have an oscilloscope and the French EDS1000 service manual. I’ve worked with electronics for 40 years too!

    Yes, the spacers can be unscrewed.

    That you have an oscilloscope and 40 years of experience is something. Only 5 germanium transistors are missing, which all have the same values. That will be difficult... ;)

    The user wacholder (or was it schmolz?) has as far as I remember also used other transistors alternatively and it ran. But I can't say anything more about it. But there was a thread where he had written about it.

    Gruß Matthias

  • The user wacholder (or was it schmolz?) has as far as I remember also used other transistors alternatively and it ran.

    It was me :)




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  • Hi,

    Just a quick word to inform you that the operation was successful: the motor works, is stable and totally silent.

    Thanks again for the tips 👍🏻


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