Hello I`m a new one and sorry if the a question is not for here. I have dual cv 1700 and the L channel stop working i found the problem but the Transistor on my amp is BDW83C and BDW84C i found is not original and my question is good recommend for this amp ? I don`t have any another problems i don`t change any thing and the second question is the R1337 is 100ohm R1330 is 1.5k ohm and C1314 how much 1000f or uf because i`cant measure or found any information. Sorry for my english i`m from Bulgaria and don`t know very good. Cheеrs and tanks for any information
Dual CV 1700 Transistor
5. Dezember 2024 um 23:03 Hat den Titel des Themas von „Dual CV 1700“ zu „Dual CV 1700 Transistor“ geändert. -
Hi Dimitur,
the original driver transistors are BDW23/24 C. Alternatively, a pair of BDX53/54 C can also be used.
The capacitor C1314 has a value of 100nF
I recommend this page for checking other weak points:
Thanks for information i will check 🙂
You can buy these bjt's here => https://www.reichelt.de/darlington-tra…-83d-p5317.html and => https://www.reichelt.de/darlington-tra…-84d-p5320.html Alternative => https://www.reichelt.de/darlington-tra…-53c-p5339.html and => https://www.reichelt.de/darlington-tra…-54c-p5341.html
Please replace all pairs in both channels and with matched pairs!
Thanks Softon I already make a order the transistor bdw83c/84c like you said for both channel to replace both and new termopast and replace another blow elements. This amp is mine like maybe 10years and works fine with this transistor but i found this forum and a information the mine transistor is not stock original and whether mine is recommend is some one used too
You can buy these bjt's here => https://www.reichelt.de/darlington-tra…-83d-p5317.html and => https://www.reichelt.de/darlington-tra…-84d-p5320.html ...
dear all,
Please keep in mind that these transitors are made by inchange, a chinese company.
In several cases i've got material, far away from the specified characteristics. The devices burned down immediately.rgds
Norbert -
The devices burned down immediately.
The same thing happened to me. Since then I no longer buy semiconductors from Reichelt
Thaks for info. I order from Bulgaria website bdw83c is made by STM and bdw84c made by PHILIPS will see is good or not.
hello today i see some new things in a two Temperature switch 36txe31and both caught up they caught up for the big radiator for mj15015/16 show in pic 1 were is wired the cable from temp switch and someone use this and for what is this upgrade is good and another question how much ohm is this resistor from second pic market in white
Hello gays i change the blow resistor cap and transistor but when turn on the amp immediately start fire r1337 c1314 on L channel only the i turn off now the resistor and capacitor have not exploded but with reduced parameters. Someone with the same problem can tell me where to look for a problem ? Thank
Hi Dimitur,
when R1337 and C1314 immediately begin to burn with power up, then you have a serious problem with the whole final stage.
This means there might be a fault in one to all Transistors of T1306...1312 (Yes: All these Transistors).
The the quiescent current potentiometer may be faulty (High ohmic).
Check R1336.
When you repair it never start the final stage, without "Help-resistors" in both power-supply-lines. I mean the red and blue cable coming from the big filter capacitors.
Use 20 Ohm / 2W Resistors. They are a kind of fuse that protects the driver and final transistors in case of a fault in the circuit.
And you need a lot of experience in electronics to repair the amplifier.
Norbert -
Thank Norbert
I check before turn on r1336 it was 4.5ohms on bout channel a know about Adjustment of resistors R1334 and R1336 from n-malek.de but a wanna check first how be whit this adjustment because on R channel still working fine anyway i wil check every thing you said Transistor and adjustment the R1334 and install the 20 ohm 2w resistor on power supply lines . I have one stupid question how to check 1334 because is have 3 pin 1 from one side and 2 from another side I measured between 2 pin on one side 45.5k ohms and between 1pin side and 2 pin side whit one of 2 pin i measured 2.5k whit another pin same 45.5k . I know i don’t have a lot experience in electronics to repair the amplifier but here in Bulgaria is very difficult to find good service or man who know what is doing … Thank you very much for your time
Hi Norbert you was right the power transistor T1311 and T1312 on the L channel is blow dead another is fine … Now start the problem to find new
Thank for help again
Hello Dimitur,
You say that you don't have much experience in electronics. Be assured: If you work on the amplifier, the risk of increasing the damage is very high and you might lose much money if the transistors blow up again due to other existing damages in the circuit.
From a distance and with the existing language barrier, it will be an endlessly process until the amplifier works correctly again - if it is possible at all.It is better to look for someone who can help you in Bulgarian electronics or hi-fi forums.
Jetzt mitmachen!
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